Program: Webinar | Just Transition to Climate Neutrality in Turkey: Perspectives From Trade Unions and NGOs
Kanal: Sefia Derneği
Tarih: 8 Şubat 2022
Açıklama: “Just Transition to Climate Neutrality in Turkey: Perspectives From Trade Unions and NGOs” meeting/webinar was held on the 26th of January. The event was co-organised by Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), HAK-İŞ Trade Union Confederation (HAK-İŞ), Confederation of Public Employees Unions (KESK), Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ).
With the presentations about the just transition concept of just transition; just transition in Europe; and just transition from climate perspective CAN Europe, ETUC and ITUC set a scene around the discussion. DİSK, HAK-İŞ, KESK, TÜRK-İŞ presented unions’ perspectives and approaches about just transition in Turkey.