

WEBINAR: Identifying Financed Emissions Risks in Turkey‘s Financial Sector

4 July 2022|

Speakers: Tarik Akin, Head, The Department of Participation Finance · Finance Office, Presidency of Türkiye Ahmet Albayrak, who is Chairman of KT Portfoy Blake Goud, CEO, RFI Foundation (Co-Host) Opening Remarks: Bengisu Özenç, SEFiA (Co-Host) Turkey has recently made significant strides in policy to address climate change following ratification of the Paris Agreement and setting a Net Zero by 2053 target.[1]  The financial sector in Turkey has also made strides in sustainability with several green bonds & sukuk, including by the Turkey Wealth Fund to partially fund development of the Istanbul Financial Center.[2] Data has been a key challenge around the world for financial institutions looking at their approach to climate-related sustainability risks, and the RFI Foundation, has produced an estimate connecting greenhouse gas emissions in the economy with the financial assets (stocks, bonds & sukuk, and bank financing) underpinning it). These top-down estimates aim to fill a gap between financial institutions’ interest in measuring climate-related risks in preparation to meet ESG disclosure requirements of investors, including using the ESG reporting guidance from Borsa Istanbul.[3]  Furthermore, with additional global standards and principles [...]

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