Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı (WWF) – Türkiye
A report has been prepared that summarizes key trends in energy transformation, particularly addressing the political and financial pressure on coal investments. Taking the present and expected trends in coal and electricity markets, the report focuses on the possible problems regarding financial feasibility of the Hunutlu Thermal Power Plant, known as the largest Chinese FDI in Turkey and being constructed in addition to the existing coal capacity.
Türkiye Ekonomi Politikaları Araştırma Vakfı (TEPAV)
A background study is being conducted for establishing a private-sector-led alliance to devise and mobilize Turkey’s decarbonization vision that captures global and regional developments. This study takes the private sector and its knowledge partners (academia and think-tanks) as the center of action and a progressive communication is envisioned between the public and private sector.
The Energy Policy Tracker is an initiative monitoring public resources mobilized to support energy supply and demand during the COVID-19 period, under different types of energy. 17 different research NGOs from different countries also provide data and information to this initiative, which is designed to follow the energy policy preferences of the countries closely and in detail. SEFiA, keeps track of Turkey’s policies regarding energy supply and demand during COVID-19 and provides necessary information to Tracker’s data sets.